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Math Course Sequence

Math Course Sequence

Courses marked with ovals are dual-enrollment, and may optionally be taken for college credit. 

Math Courses

This listing represents district-approved courses. Courses noted with an * are given weighted grade status which is used in calculating class rank.

MAT100 Algebra 1 Credit: 1.0 This course is designed for the student who can independently use and apply the basic skills of arithmetic. The course introduces the student to the basic structure of Algebra through the use and application of real numbers, inequalities, factoring, polynomials, linear and quadratic equations, and graphs. Appropriate technology will be used to enhance mathematical understanding and problem-solving skills. Students who successfully complete this course with a grade of “C” or higher should be prepared to take Geometry.

MAT200 Geometry Credit: 1.0 This course introduces the student to the deductive method of proof with the use of points, lines, and planes. Solid geometry is integrated with plane geometry to lead the student to consideration of two-and three- dimensional figures and to develop the ability to visualize space relationships. Students who successfully complete this course with a grade of “C” or higher should be prepared for Algebra 2. 
MAT210 Honors Geometry* Credit: 1.0 This course introduces the student to the deductive method of proof with the use of points, lines, and planes. Solid geometry is integrated with plane geometry to lead the student to consideration of two-and three- dimensional figures and to develop the ability to visualize space relationships. Other geometries and methods of proof will also be explored. Right triangle trigonometry will be included in this course. Opportunities for creative expression and enrichment will be provided. This course meets the state proficiency standards at the distinction level.
MAT30x Algebra 2 - Description coming soon
MAT300 Algebra 2 - STEM Credit: 1.0 This course begins with a review of Algebra 1 topics and introduces the following new topics: matrices, complex numbers, exponential and logarithmic functions, conic sections, higher degree polynomial functions, sequences and series, and trigonometry. This course or Honors Algebra 2 is required for students who are planning to attend most post-secondary institutions. Students who successfully complete this course with a grade of “C” or better have met the prerequisite for Pre-Calculus. 
MAT310 Honors Algebra 2* Credit: 1.0 This course in second-year Algebra and Trigonometry is an extension of topics covered in Algebra 1. The real and complex number systems, solutions of equations and inequalities, trigonometry, logarithms, and exponents are emphasized. The concepts of relations, and functions are explored thoroughly and used to unify the course material. Technology is used as a tool throughout the course to support and enhance learning. This course is highly recommended for the student who is interested in pursuing a career in mathematics, science, or engineering. Students successfully completing this course with a grade of “B” or higher are prepared to take Honors Finite Math/Honors Brief Calculus the following year.  
MAT400 Pre-Calculus Credit: 1.0 This course introduces the student to higher mathematics through the study of fundamental concepts of equations, functions and applications. Emphasis is placed upon understanding rather than just manipulation and computation. Appropriate technology will be used to enhance mathematical understanding and problem-solving skills. Students successfully completing this course with a “C or higher should be prepared to take Honors Finite Mathematics and Honors Brief Calculus.  
MAT430 Honors Finite Mathematics* Credit: 0.5 An introduction to the mathematics required for the study of social and behavioral sciences. The topics include: sets, solving linear systems with two and three equations, combinatorics, probability, matrix algebra, linear programming, statistics, and mathematics of finance. Students will be able to compute simple and compound interest, calculate the cost of repaying a loan using the amortization method, solve counting problems using permutations and combinations, use Markov chains, Bayes formula, or binomial experiments to determine the probability of an event. Lastly, students will be able to calculate the mean, median, and standard deviation for a series of scores. Appropriate technology will be used to enhance mathematical understanding and problem-solving skills. The use of a graphing calculator/computer program is essential throughout this course. Students successfully completing this course with a “C” or higher should be prepared to take Honors Brief Calculus  
MAT500 Honors Brief Calculus* Credit: 0.5 An introduction to the theory, techniques, and applications of the differential and integral calculus of elementary functions with problems of interest to students required for the study in business and social sciences. Students will be able to find limits of function values of algebraic, exponential, and logarithmic functions. Students will be able to work on business and economics applied problems using the derivative. The use of a graphing calculator/computer program is essential throughout this course. Students successfully completing this course with a “C” or higher should be prepared to take AP Calculus BC. 
MAT450 College Mathematics Credit: 1.0 Students will gain a working knowledge of college-level mathematics and its application to real-life problems. There is an emphasis on understanding mathematical concepts and their applications. Topics include set theory, probability, statistics, finance and geometry. This course may be offered for college (dual) credit and is the course most non-math/science majors need.
MAT520 AP Calculus BC* Credit: 1.0 This course continues the thorough study of differentiation and integration begun in Honors Brief Calculus. Applications of these topics are studied: limits, continuity, differentiation, integration, infinite series, and differential equations are investigated in-depth. After completion of this course, the student may wish to take one of these Advanced Placement Exams: Calculus AB or Calculus BC.
MAT530 Honors Calculus III* Credit: 0.5 This course is designed as an advanced follow-up course to AP Calculus BC. This course will cover the third semester of college calculus. This course will be taught utilizing a graphing calculator. Computer graphing will be used to enhance visualization and conceptualization. Real-life applications and examples will reinforce problem-solving skills. The course will combine graphical, numerical, and algebraic techniques toward the solution of problems involving the techniques of calculus.
MAT540 Differential Equations* Credit: 0.5 This course is designed as an advanced follow-up course to Honors Calculus III. This course will cover differential equations. This course will be taught utilizing a graphing calculator. Computer graphing will be used to enhance visualization and conceptualization. Real-life applications and examples will reinforce problem-solving skills. The course will combine graphical, numerical, and algebraic techniques toward the solution of problems involving the techniques of calculus.  
MAT550 AP Statistics* Credit: 1.0 This college-level course is designed to explore data analysis, standard deviation, scatter plots, correlation, residual plots, experimental design, bias, probability, central limit theorem, the margin of error, null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis, assumptions rules of thumb, p-value, alphas level, type I & II errors, confidence intervals, inference by z-tests, I & II sample and tests, I & II proportion tests, x2 tests, 2 sample f-tests, Anova tests, linear regression t-tests. After completion of this course, the student may wish to take the Advanced Placement Statistics examination.
MAT560 Honors Linear Algebra* Credit: 1.0 This course is a college-level course for students who have completed Honors Calculus III. This course covers systems of linear equations and matrices, Gauss-Jordan elimination, homogeneous systems, matrix algebra, matrices, and inverses. Study continues with determinants, by row reduction and cofactor expansions, vector spaces, linear independence, subspaces, bases, and dimension. It also covers topics such as linear transformations, matrices, change of basis, similarity, rank, null spaces, range, inner product spaces, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization, eigenvectors and values and diagonalization. This course is presented in a more rigorous way than a student may be used to from previous math courses, so although the theory is easier than that of calculus, there will be perhaps unexpected challenges for most students.