GPA Calculator
Have you ever wondered how to calculate your “Core” GPA? Your core GPA is comprised of the grade points associated with your core classes. Your core classes are those that transfer to our universities. Here is an example of the core classes our in-state universities will accept:
- English (8 semesters)
- Math (8 semesters)
- Social Studies (4 semesters – (2) AM/AZ History and one other social studies course)
- Lab Sciences (6 semesters – pick your 6 highest semester grades)
- World Languages (4 semesters – pick your 4 highest semester grades)
- *Fine Art or CTE (2 semesters)
Our in-State Universities will take either the Fine Art Credit or 2 semesters of the same CTE course work. If you are going out of state it would be in your best interest to contact the college undergraduate admissions office to see if they will take CTE or Fine Art credit.
Note: The University of Arizona will not look at any coursework completed after your 6th semester which is the end of your Junior year.
Once you have identified your core classes, populate this excel spreadsheet (Must have Excel installed) with the number of semester grades associated with classes. Your core GPA (both weighted and unweighted will appear in the bottom right corner of the worksheet. You only need to enter the number of semester grades earned...the spreadsheet will do the rest for you. (Example - if received 6 A's then enter 6 in the "# of semester grades" column.) Note: Once you have entered the number, You must "tab" out of the column in order for the field to calculate your GPA.