Activities Office
Welcome to the DV Activities Office!
Welcome to the Desert Vista Activities Office. At Desert Vista, we believe that successful experiences in the classroom, activities, and athletics are integral to a positive high school experience.
We are proud to offer students over 75 clubs and outstanding activities to get involved with on campus. Better grades, new friendships, and improved time management skills are only a few of the many benefits gained by participating in extra/co-curricular activities.
Desert Vista offers various performances and activities throughout the year. I encourage you to stay active and knowledgeable about upcoming events by visiting the Activities Calendar on the website, viewing your student planner/handbook, and checking the marquee for upcoming events and times.
If no club/activity sparks your interest, starting a new club or activity is easy. Just stop by the Activities Office and let us help you get started. I hope every Desert Vista student has a rewarding high school experience filled with valuable experiences in clubs and activities. Get Involved!
If you are interested in renting our facility for any reason, please check availability by giving us a call at 480-706-7946.
Jared Walther, Assistant Principal - Activities
Becky Richardson, Activities Assistant