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AED Training Video

Did you know we have six AED devices on campus? These units are available in the event of a heart-related emergency. The units are located in the: "A" building hall by child care, "B" building by Nurse's office, upstairs in the "C" building by the Foreign Language Department, in the lower level "C" building by the Math Department Office, by the Large Gym in the lobby area, and in the Cafeteria by the mural (in the corner by the staff lounge).

Anyone on campus could potentially experience a medical emergency and need someone's help. You do not need special certification to use an AED device. The AED boxes are NEVER locked so anyone can open the door and grab the machine. The key turns the alarm on and off, so if you are near a defibrillator box and you hear the alarm go off, you know there is an emergency nearby. Please always check to see if you can be of assistance in such a case.

We are asking all of our DV staff to view a short five minute Zoll AED "use and instruction" video and take a quick quiz. 

Zoll AED
CLICK HERE to view video so that you can be prepared if you are ever on campus and encounter an emergency where you could potentially save a life.